With the Transition of Mobile technology from consumer curiosity to technology that is integral in the way we live and work. Enterprises today are carving out their competitive advantage by making better use of mobility to allow for apps to provide seems connections to asset and facility maintenance. The mobile solutions has allowed the users to record and enter data right into the app on a mobile device which is then stored in the system, eliminating redundant steps. IBM Maximo Anywhere is Maximo Enterprise Asset Management next generation mobile application platform that provides connected and dis-connected access to the system. IBM Maximo Anywhere seamlessly integrates capabilities Maximo’s asset, inventory, and work management solutions, providing a single, end-to-end enterprise solution for improving productivity in the field.
Camera and Voice to Text
Maximo Anywhere enables organizations to leverage device-specific capabilities, such as using voice-to- text technology and an in-built device camera, instead of requiring an integrated barcode scanner.
Barcode/QR Code support
This is your item description. Use this space to add a description of the services, products, team members or any other items you want to highlight on your site. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.
Online and Offline Map support
Anywhere gives capabilities for using Offline map (ESRI) and Online – ArcGISOnline.
RFID support
Compared to Bar Codes, RFID tags tend to be more resistant under extreme conditions -especially in areas like processing plants where there is usually increased temperature, high levels of moisture, and the possibility of being tampered with chemicals and oils. Such environments have proven to be too harsh on some of the best weather-resistant Barcodes. Maximo Anywhere supports RFID features.
GPS support
GPS Tracking is used to notify a user about assigned work locations which permits them to check work order locations, asset locations, inventory locations etc.
Push notification
The push notification feature on Anywhere can notify users about all incomplete tasks, assigned work and updates e.g. a technician requesting approval from a supervisor.
Error Handling
Error checking ensures that Maximo data validations are being maintained. If an error occurs in an Anywhere module, the user is alerted with a pop-up message that outlines where the error has been made. Errors captured with logs provide opportunity for analysis.
Multi Language Support
Available in 19 languages including English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish and Spanish.
Anywhere Inspection app
Provides a list of assets and locations that need to be inspected. These assets and locations are defined in the work orders.
Anywhere Asset Data Manager app
Provides asset tracking and record storage. Allows creation of new asset records, change the status of existing assets, add asset meter readings, and report the downtime for assets. Allows asset moves from sites and locations and into storerooms. Adding Asset Classifications/Specification is also supported.
Anywhere Asset Audit app
This is your item description. Use this space to add a description of the services, products, team members or any other items you want to highlight on your site. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.
Anywhere Issues and Returns app
Provides a service for monitoring and controlling the movement and consumption of inventory items and tools. Users can see data from any storeroom or site that they have access to. Can be used to issue items, return items, issue multiple rotating assets, and split items into the available bins.
Anywhere Physical Count app
Provides storeroom staff with access to storeroom inventory items to perform an inventory count and record the physical count for the storeroom items. This app operates in both connected and disconnected modes.
Anywhere Transfers and Receiving app
Provides a service for inventory maintenance and tracking. Users can transfer inventory items or tools between storerooms and track the delivery of these items or tools. Create shipment receipt records of transferred inventory items, monitor the balance of received items, and adjust the totals and status in the inventory usage records. Specify inspection status for shipment receipt records, void shipment receipt records and perform returns of items
Anywhere Service Request app
Services requests can be created from the application, allowing users to speak or type a description of the request, and enter a location and an asset for the request. They can also view the requests that they created to follow up on those requests.
Anywhere Work Approval app
Provides supervisors, work planners, and financial staff with access to work orders that require approval. Users can quickly approve or reject work orders by reviewing the high-level details, and they can examine planned costs, schedules, and asset history.
Anywhere Work Execution app
Provides technicians access to the work order information relevant to completing their tasks. Techs can review task details, report labor actuals and tool or material usage, and maintain the work log. The app also provides a map of their work orders and obtain directions to work order locations. The app supports bar code scanning and voice recognition. Mobile workers can view and change the current classification of a work order and can also edit the specifications on the work order